SECC Youth Ministries
11330 Pierce St.
Riverside, CA 92505
Mon - Thurs
8am to 5:30pm PST
March 2, 2025
March 7-9, 2025
March 27- 30, 2025
May 18, 2025
This event is to certify that Pathfinder teens and staff are competent swimmers and are cleared to be on the water for the river trip.
The club director or secretary needs to submit the online registration by Thursday, January 16 at 1:00pm. Choose the time most convenient for your club to arrive. Payment can be made by credit card or invoicing the church. Please note that if a club has not submitted their registration with the conference, the club and its members will not be able to attend a conference event until the registration is submitted. You will be contacted if your club has not completed registration with the conference. EVERYONE IN ATTENDNCE WILL NEED TO BE REGISTERED. If your name is not registered, parents, staff and family members will need to pay the day use fee to the Drayson Center.
Open to Pathfinder staff and teens enrolled Ranger class or above.
The club director or designated staff will check in at the front desk at the Drayson Center SECC Youth Ministries registration table located in the lobby to confirm attendees.
An email confirmation will be sent with the chosen time for the club’s check-off. If the clubs appointed time needs to be changed, contact the Youth Ministries office. Clubs should arrive 15 minutes before the appointed time. The check-off takes approximately 30 minutes. Attendees should already have their swimsuits on.
A WSI (water safety instructor) will have the teens and staff go through a series of swimming skills. Review the requirement sheet. These requirements must be completed to be allowed in the canoes, rafts, and on the water for the Pathfinder Teen FLOW River Trip. This can also be done through your local Red Cross or YMCA. Once you have passed the requirements, you do not need to do it again. It’s just like earning an honor. A copy of the certification must be filed and maintained at the SECC Youth Ministries office.