Pathfinder Kite Day is a fun and relaxing one-day event for Pathfinders, staff, parents, and pastors.  Parents can join in the fun of creating a kite together with their Pathfinders prior to the event and can earn the Kite Honor.  All kites flown are to be made by the Pathfinder flying them. Be sure to carefully read all the rules. This is a fun event; please participate with that in mind. Traditionally, this has been a San Diego function, with the county inviting the rest of the conference to join in the fun. Now, Kite Day is a conference event.

This year's


Endangered Species

Be creative. Judges will decide which kites are the most creative that fly

Compete for


Kite Day Awards will be handed out at the closing ceremony – buttons or pins for each winner. 

LeRoy Camp founded Kite Day in 1956. We are grateful for his vision in establishing this fine event.  The club winning the Club Kite Award will have their name engraved on a trophy to display at their church until the next Kite Day event.  


Class A – Friends 

Class B – Companions 

Class C – Explorers & Rangers 

Teens – Voyagers, Guides, Teen Counselors, & Teen Leaders 

Open – any staff or Pathfinder  

Special Event Kite – any staff or Pathfinder; kite must reflect the Kite Day Theme

Club Kite – Pathfinders and staff; kite must reflect the Kite Day Theme. See additional Event Rules





  1. All events other than shortest kite will have a string of 200’ +/- 2’ (all out in the air). Judges have the OPTION to measure. You may have ONLY 200’ of string on your spool. The corner stakes of the start and finish line will be the gauge to measure the 200’. 
  2. You must wear the official conference field uniform shirt (Class C) to participate and win any awards. 
  3. The decision of the Director of Judging is final.  There will be no ties on events! 
  4. No store-bought kites allowed. Kites must be entered and flown by the Pathfinder who built the kite.  No teams.  Kites must fly to receive an award. 
  5. Schedule of events may be changed due to wind/weather conditions. All effort will be made to stay on or ahead of schedule. It is the responsibility of all concerned to be within hearing distance of the public address system to stay informed of programming changes. 
  6. The Director of Judging, with or without consultation of the Director of Event and Conference Pathfinder Director, may impose change, rewrite, and/or interpret “the rules” as deemed necessary to stay within the spirit and concept of this event. 
  7. Each kite is to be autographed in permanent marker by its maker/flyer with class level written prior to coming to the starting line. 
  8. The flyer of any kite must be at the finish line at the time of the final whistle. 
  9. No adult beyond the start line during the events. 
  10. No drone flying allowed without a valid permit. SDMC 63.0201 

Club Kite – new rule:  the largest club kite measured only by the structure of the main portion of the kite, excluding the tail that moves separately from the body of the kite and reflects the theme of the event that will fly with a minimum of 100’ of rope and maximum of 200’ of rope 

Highest Flyer Under 3’:  no kite exactly 3’ allowed; does not count tails or bridles 

High Flyer Over 3’:  no kite entered here may be entered as a club kite in “Club Kite;” no kite exactly 3’ allowed 

Most Novel/Attractiveself-explanatory 

Pastors:  highest flying kite 

Shortest:  shortest flyer with a minimum of 50’ (all out in the air) of string; good flying characteristics 

Special Event:  only kites that most reflects the Kite Day Theme; any Pathfinder or staff can participate 

Staff:  highest flyer; any Pathfinder staff including Teen Counselors and Teen Leaders 

  1. Most unusual design that flies. 
  2. ALL Voyagers, Guides, Teen Counselors, and/or Teen Leaders in the club are to participate in some way, either building, flying, or both. 
  3. The longest overall measurable dimension of the kite only, in a straight line in any direction must not exceed 72”. Does not include bridle, tail, etc. 
  4. May not be entered in “CLUB KITE.” 




8:45 – 9:45 am Registration 

9:45 – 10:00 Welcoming/Opening ceremonies 

10:00 – 10:15 Most Novel/Attractive – Class A 

10:15 – 10:30 Most Novel/Attractive – Class B 

10:30 – 10:45 Most Novel/Attractive – Class C 

10:45 – 11:00 Highest Flyer Under 3’ – Class A 

11:00 – 11:15 Highest Flyer Under 3’ – Class B 

11:15 – 11:30 Highest Flyer Under 3’ – Class C 

11:30 – 11:45 Teen Club Kite Event – Voyagers, Guides, Teen Counselors, & Teen Leaders 

11:45 am – 12:00 pm Pastors 


12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch 

1:00 – 1:15 Staff (including Teen Counselors & Teen Leaders) 

1:15 – 1:30 Shortest – Class A 

1:30 – 1:45 Shortest – Class B  

1:45 – 2:00 Shortest – Class C 

2:00 – 2:15 Special Event – Pathfinder and staff 

2:15 – 2:30 Highest Flyer Over 3’ – Class A  

2:30 – 2:45 Highest Flyer Over 3’ – Class B 

2:45 – 3:00 Highest Flyer Over 3’ – Class C  

3:00 – 3:15 Club Kite – Pathfinders and staff 

3:15 – 3:30 Clean-up of trash in the area 

3:30 – 3:45 Trophy Presentation and Departure 



Mariner's Point Park
1215 Mariners Way,
San Diego, CA 92109

Pathfinder Kite Day


Pathfinder Kite Day is a fun and relaxing event where Pathfinders, staff, and pastors fly handmade kites in different categories.


This year’s theme is derrived from Matthew 22:39 and it is Love your neighbor as yourself. So keep this in mind when making your kites.


The club director or secretary must submit the online registration by Sunday, February 23. Let us know what your projected numbers are. Actual numbers are given when the club director/secretary checks in onsite. Fees are $25 per club plus $3 per Pathfinder, Teen, and Staff. Payment can be made by credit card or invoicing the church.

Onsite Check-In

The club director or secretary should go IMMEDIATELY to check in located at the registration banner to confirm their presence and report actual attendance numbers. PLEASE ENSURE ALL CLUBS HAVE MEDICAL RELEASE FORMS FOR EACH CLUB MEMBER ATTENDING.


  • Friends – 5th graders
  • Companions – 6th graders
  • Explorers & Rangers – 7th & 8th graders
  • Voyagers & Guides – 9th & 10th graders
  • Open – any staff, TLT, or Pathfinder
  • Special Event Kite – any staff, TLT, or Pathfinder; kite must reflect the Kite Day Theme


Class C (field) uniform is required to win any awards. Modest shorts or appropriate beach wear are optional at the discretion of the club director.


Will be handed out at the closing ceremony – ribbons, buttons, or pins for each winner.

Threat of Rain

Every year rain seems to threaten Kite Day. An email will be sent to you Saturday night, March 1, after 6pm letting you know if Kite Day will be cancelled or not.

Rules + Schedule

Be sure to carefully read all the rules. This is a fun event for Pathfinders, staff, parents, and pastors.  Please participate with this concept in mind. 


Mariner's Point Park
1215 Mariners Way,
San Diego, CA 92109


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Thanks for your question. We'll see you at the event.

Isaac Kim

Associate Youth Director

Pastor Isaac Kim grew up in Atlanta, Georgia but has lived in SoCal and worked in SECC at Calimesa SDA for 20 years. He attended Atlanta Adventist Academy where his chaplain/bible teacher made a huge impact in his life where he discovered he wanted to do the same. While at the Calimesa church, Isaac served in various capacities including Children and Family Ministries for 12 years. He likes to work collaboratively with ministry teams, cheerleading ministry leaders, and creating space for people to share life together. Isaac and his two boys enjoy sports, both playing and watching. They are Falcons, Warriors, and Braves fans. Isaac strives to be the best dad that he can be by modeling the love of Jesus and believes that the message of the Gospel shows up in different ways along our journey. The most recent time the gospel was real to him was during his wife’s health journey.


Thanks, we got your info!

Judi Jeffreys

Office Manager

Judi Jeffreys has been a part of the SECC Youth Ministries for 20+ years serving as the office manager and working alongside the team to keep youth ministries thriving in SECC. Judi uses her positive attitude and tireless energy to encourage others and is inspired daily by those with whom she serves.The gospel message became real to her as a young adult when she accepted the Adventist message and truly grasped the love of God. Judi’s motto is, "Change brings growth, growth brings growing pains, and growing pains brings change." Originally born in Colorado, Judi was raised a Southern California girl and loves all types of foods, but her taste buds fancy Asian foods, especially Thai and Indonesian. Judi married her high school sweetheart, Greg, and is proud of their adult children, Leigh, Mark, and Megan. When not working, Judi can be found riding a motorcycle, scuba diving, relaxing with yoga, taking long walks, or just spending time with her family.

Aren Rennacker

Youth Director

Aren Rennacker was born and raised in Sacramento, CA. He became an Adventist as a teenager thanks to the incredible influence of his church and academy. After graduating from Pacific Union College with a degree in Journalism, he served as a youth and young adult pastor at two wonderful SECC churches, Calimesa and Oceanside, while completing his Masters of Theological Studies from La Sierra University. In 2019, Aren became Director of Youth Ministries for the SECC, a position he cherishes. Aren loves connecting with pastors, speaking to young people, and serving the youth ministries leaders of our conference. His greatest passion is to empower youth and young adults to live the Gospel in new and relevant ways. Aside from ministry, Aren also enjoys basketball, stories, and a fresh bowl of oatmeal. He and his lovely wife Paige were married in 2020.